How do I use the sales material included with a Done-For-You Resource?

When you purchase a Done-For-You Resource, you also receive sales material to help you promote your resource to your audience and start selling straight away!

Here's a list of sales material included with every Done-For-You Resource:

  • Sales Page
  • Promotional Images
  • Lead Magnet
  • Email Swipes
  • Social Media Images
  • Articles

Sales Page

A pre-written landing page allowing you to start selling the resource instantly without having to come up with your own copywriting. You can use the sales page as is or use it as a base to create your own landing page.

The Sales Page is provided as an HTML file (see the "1 - Sales Page" folder). Once you have downloaded the files in this folder to your computer, simply double-click on the  index.html file to view the landing page in your browser. 

If you know how to use HTML files or have a web developer who can help you can use this HTML file as-is and upload it straight to your host.

If you don't know how to use HTML files or don't have a web developer to do this for you, simply copy and paste the text from the index.html file into a page on your website or landing page (see more information here). You can find the sales page images in the "2 - Sales Page" > "Images" folder.

In this article, we explain how you can set up the resource for selling and give suggestions for tools to use to create your landing page.

Promotional Images

These are images you can use anywhere you want to promote the resource, such as on the landing page. 

You'll get different size banners that you can add to the sidebar of your website or blog, or in your emails, and link them to purchase the resource. You'll also get other images, like eCovers, in different file sizes (small, medium, large). For example:

Lead Magnet

A pre-made lead magnet that complements the resource, which you can offer your customers for free in return for their email address. Upsell the resource once they opt-in!

Email Swipes

Email swipes are pre-written email templates that you can copy and paste into your email client to promote the resource to your audience via email. Here's an example of an email swipe:

Social Media Images

We provide you with 10 ready-made social media images that relate to the topic of the resource you've purchased. These are great for sharing on social and including your link in the post description for customers to purchase the resource. 

For example, the social media images below are provided with The Daily Affirmation Handbook and relate to positive affirmations:


You also get 10 pre-written articles that relate to the topic of the resource you've purchased. You can copy and paste the articles into a blog post to add to your blog or even send them via email. Feel free to make changes to the articles to add your own flair or use as-is!

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